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Re: [Masterlibre-list] Call for papers for GUADEC in Spain in June 2006

From: David Megias
Subject: Re: [Masterlibre-list] Call for papers for GUADEC in Spain in June 2006
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 12:06:17 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

Dear all,

Anne, it's great to hear from you!

En/na Anne Østergaard ha escrit:
> MoLOS Status in the countries?
> Dear list members
> I feel that it is time to re-new our overview over universities where
> the full Master Libre is offered to students and as supplementary
> courses to other interested parties such as company employees.
> If you could please send about 8 lines on the present status at your
> university mentioning the courses being offered and when they started
> and possibly links to more information on your university websites in
> English or of course in your local language.

We're currently offering our version of the Master programme which has been recently adapted to the EHES. Our Master programme is now officially recognised by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and will be offered as an official degree from next September. The proposal approved by the Spanish Ministry consists of the following courses, all of them with 5 ECTS credits:

CORE (basic) courses (20 ECTS):

- Introduction to free software
- Basic GNU/Linux operating system
- Advanced administration of GNU/Linux
- Implantation of free software systems

ELECTIVE courses (25 ECTS among a 60 ECTS offer):

- Computer networks
- Extension of computer networks
- Advanced networking: security issues

- Introduction to software development
- Advanced concepts in software development
- Software engineering in free software environments

- Web applications development
- Database systems

- Legal aspects of free software
- Utilities and tools

- Economical aspects and business models in free software
- Free software in the public sector


You can find more info (in Spanish) about this programme at our website:

but it has not been updated yet to the new 60 ECTS structure.

Best regards,


   David Megias, PhD

   Estudis d'Informatica, Multimedia i Telecomunicacions
   Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
   Av. Tibidabo, 39-43
   08035 Barcelona

   Tel: (+34) 933 263 735
   Fax: (+34) 933 568 822

   E-mail: address@hidden, address@hidden

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