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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Can you suggest a suitable UAV for Taipei?

From: Scott T Kent
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Can you suggest a suitable UAV for Taipei?
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 09:48:45 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

Pesonaly I would use the Multiplex EasyGlider Pro(a config file already exists for this airframe) and install a 40amp speed control, an eflite park 480or similar outrunner brushless motor and 11v 2100mha batter . I am currently installing PPZ into my FunJet. After flying the Easy Glider Pro I am now thinking I should have started with the EasyGlider. Not only is this a very forgiving and stable aircraft it allows for long flight times and with its light wing-loading 7oz/ft^2 you can add some weight to it. It wont hover but you can certainately fly slow. Only downside to this is wind will push a glider around. Another good airframe is the Multiplex Mentor...

I am working on putting PPZ into a coaxial heli and it is definately not something that should be your First PPZ airframe crawl before you walk with PPZ.

P.S. I reinforce all my Multiplex Foam kits with packing tape especially on wingtips, rudder, elevator, and high stress areas of the fuselage, it can easily double the strength and stiffness.

Spencer Pangborn wrote:
Thank you to those that helped with my netbook question. I can rest easy knowing the my upcoming netbook purchase will run Paparazzi, no problem. :)

So today's concern is about which type of aircraft to use. I admit that I don't have an R/C vehicle experience; but it has been the Paparazzi project that has prompted me to dive in. The main catalyst is to be able to take aerial photos of the streets here in Taipei, as well as learn more about customizing hardware components.

If any of you have visited Taiwan before you know that the population density is incredibly high. Therefore I would like to know if any of you can recommend an aircraft that is easy to control (perhaps even hover), can support a large enough payload for simple photo and video, and allows easy implementation of Paparazzi. I searched the Wiki for "helicopters", but didn't see too much info. A Google search for "paparazzi + helicopter + uav" gave me this thread of a newb looking to do a similar thing <>. However, if a heli is too technical for a new user like me to implement Paparazzi, any suitable beginner plane might do the trick.

Best regards,


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