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RE: [Paparazzi-devel] GCS KML export

From: Elden Crom
Subject: RE: [Paparazzi-devel] GCS KML export
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 17:54:45 +0000

I had not realized that there was already a place to put a GCS to KLM converter 
so I wrote my own (in perl) that works from the command line by importing the 
*.data file and converting it to KML then packs it all up into the KMZ.
Its at
This file contains the KML and associated file along with perl source code and 
the *data and *log file that I used to create it.  (a kmz is just a set of 
files that can be zipped or unzipped with ubuntu's 'zip' or 'unzip' command 
line tool).
To get to the script ( download and 'unzip 

To rerun it with different parameters you could then call 
perl -scale_plane=20.0 
(by the way I started recording prior to the GPS locking in so you have to tell 
it to ignore the bad data ( -start_time=20) for the first 20 seconds of the log 
or the 'launch' lands in the middle of an ocean)

It may be a starting point/reference for the TODO list item.

Elden Crom
Tucson Embedded Systems, Inc
520-575-7283 x141
Fax: 520-575-5563
Cell: 520-429-2771
5620 N. Kolb Road
Suite 160
Tucson, AZ 85750-1384

From: Pascal Brisset address@hidden
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 4:56 AM
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] GCS KML export


not supported ... and now added on the TODO list


address@hidden wrote:
> All,
> I was trying to do a KML export of a Booz NAV flight and got an
> exception error.  Im not sure if the Booz message structure is
> supported by the KML exporter but thought I would at least pose the
> question.  Broken or unsupported?
> Thanks,
> AJ
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