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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] AP_MODE_FAILSAFE

From: Eric BAHIER
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] AP_MODE_FAILSAFE
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2011 16:53:59 +0100
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hi felix,

In my understand, the failsafe mode began active when we lost GPS or lost Radio, in NAV-MODE

I read it on :"", your link :

This is a failsafe mode that gets triggered if:

  • RC signal is lost (and you are not in KILL or NAV mode)
  • GPS and RC is lost in NAV mode

I can accept,  AP_MODE_HOVER_DIRECT and AP_MODE_HOVER_Z_HOLD are not realy in NAV mode, but "almost nav mode".

For my test I want first to have AP_MODE_HOVER_Z_HOLD full opperational up to  ????xx km/h wind, and move to NAV when the stationair(GPS) fly is done.
how to, to triggered the AP_MODE_FAILSAFE , for my understand, this setup is indépendant from manual/auto1/auto2....I missuterstand?



The autopilot will level the rotorcraft out (setpoints to zero pitch and roll angles) and descend at 0.5m/s downwards.

Le 02/11/2011 14:29, Eric BAHIER a écrit :

I woulds like to use  "AP_MODE_FAILSAFE ".

Currently I use :

<section name="MODE">
  <define name="MANUAL" value="AP_MODE_ATTITUDE_DIRECT" />
  <define name="AUTO1" value="AP_MODE_HOVER_DIRECT" />
  <define name="AUTO2" value="AP_MODE_HOVER_Z_HOLD" />

I would like to have "AP_MODE_FAILSAFE" active in HOVERs mode,   is it possible?

I probably lost the GPS some time in HOVER.... and the quad go away...where it can....  If is stay and land it could be nice for debuging.

Where, how to... I will proced to use "AP_MODE_FAILSAFE"....



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