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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem locating gcc-arm-none-eabi

From: Chris
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem locating gcc-arm-none-eabi
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 17:50:30 +0200
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Hi Felix.
No matter what i do it just wont find the file "arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.4" as root but it can find it alright as a normal user in ubuntu 12.04
I am using dfu-util 0.8 in order to program the olimex stm32f405 board using the stm32's built in bootloader.
I can program it fine as root but not as a user, in fact i never found a solution in this problem.
Below are the various iterations i tried:

with sudo
address@hidden:~$ sudo arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.4
[sudo] password for hendrix:
sudo: arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.4: command not found

as root but specifying the whole path (ok)
address@hidden:~$ sudo /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q2/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.4
arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.4: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.

as a normal user (ok)
address@hidden:~$ arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.4
arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.4: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.

address@hidden:~$ echo $PATH
address@hidden:~$ sudo echo $PATH
address@hidden:~$ sudo /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q2/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.4
arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.4: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.

On 10/29/2014 05:26 PM, Felix Ruess wrote:
Hi Chris,

you need to add the cross compiler to your PATH.
export PATH=/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q2/bin:$PATH
You probably did that by adding it to your PATH in ~/.profile so it is always added as normal user (you could add the same file in /root).

Or better fix your permissions/udev rules to allow flashing as normal user.
What device/programmer are you using?

Cheers, Felix

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Chris <address@hidden> wrote:
I am trying to update everything in my computer and transfer my code to the newest master (just cloned it) and so far i got everything working with one exception.
If i use pararazzi as a normal user paparazzi center can find gcc-arm-none-eabi located in /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q2/bin but if i launch paparazzi center as root it gives me this error.

/home/hendrix/paparazzi/conf/Makefile.arm-embedded-toolchain:29: *** Error: arm-none-eabi-gcc cross-compiler not found! Recommended toolchain is  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/airborne'
make: *** [ap.compile] Error 2

The problem affects me because whatever i do i just can't flash stm32f4 boards using dfu-util as a user, only as root.

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