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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem with getting gps lock

From: Felix Ruess
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem with getting gps lock
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 21:44:49 +0200

Hi Connor,

ah, that is quite vital information and seems to be the same issue I answered just a few days ago:

You already posted your airframe file which looks correct, can you please also post the exact paparazzi version you are using?
Ideally with every problem someone has, the used version would be mentioned since it makes things immensely easier ;-)

I would guess that you are using the master branch from some time ago, namely before version v5.5_devel-621-ge4dd5b2.
The commit e4dd5b2 on 10th of June fixed the status report for ahrs_infrared where two fields were accidentally swapped.

Cheers, Felix

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Connor <address@hidden> wrote:
When we power up the tiny/v2.11 the gps led blinks for a few seconds and then
turns solid green indicating that we have a gps lock.

Also, the GPS tab in the GCS indicates that we are getting satellite
communication and we can get to around 3m of position accuracy.

The only problem, is that the GPS status block never turns into the green
"3D" block, It will just say "Allign".

Any help on how to fix this and get to "3D"  would be greatly appreciated!


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