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Re: [PATCH 0/5] QEMU Gating CI

From: Cleber Rosa
Subject: Re: [PATCH 0/5] QEMU Gating CI
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 18:16:19 -0400

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 10:00:42PM +0000, Peter Maydell wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Mar 2020 at 19:36, Cleber Rosa <address@hidden> wrote:
> >
> > The idea about a public facing Gating CI for QEMU was lastly
> > summarized in an RFC[1].  Since then, it was decided that a
> > simpler version should be attempted first.
> OK, so my question here is:
>  * what are the instructions that I have to follow to be
> able to say "ok, here's my branch, run it through these tests,
> please" ?

The quick answer is:

 $ git push address@hidden:qemu-project/qemu.git my-branch:staging

The longer explanation is that these jobs are limited to a "staging"
branch, so all you'd have to do is to push something to a branch
called "staging".  If that branch happens to be from the
"gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu" repo, than the runners setup there
would be used.  The documentation an ansible playbooks are supposed
to help with this setup.

Once that push happens, you could use:

 $ contrib/ci/scripts/gitlab-pipeline-status --verbose --wait

Before doing something like:

 $ git push address@hidden:qemu-project/qemu.git my-branch:master

> thanks
> -- PMM

Let me know if that makes sense.

- Cleber.

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