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Re: [PATCH v8 10/12] virtio-sound: implement audio output (TX)

From: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé
Subject: Re: [PATCH v8 10/12] virtio-sound: implement audio output (TX)
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 12:26:01 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.15.0

On 28/8/23 21:55, Emmanouil Pitsidianakis wrote:
Handle output IO messages in the transmit (TX) virtqueue.

It allocates a VirtIOSoundPCMBlock for each IO message and copies the
data buffer to it. When the IO buffer is written to the host's sound
card, the guest will be notified that it has been consumed.

The lifetime of an IO message is:

1. Guest sends IO message to TX virtqueue.
2. QEMU adds it to the appropriate stream's IO buffer queue.
3. Sometime later, the host audio backend calls the output callback,
    virtio_snd_pcm_out_cb(), which is defined with an AUD_open_out()
    call. The callback gets an available number of bytes the backend can
    receive. Then it writes data from the IO buffer queue to the backend.
    If at any time a buffer is exhausted, it is returned to the guest as
4. If the guest releases the stream, its buffer queue is flushed by
    attempting to write any leftover data to the audio backend and
    releasing all IO messages back to the guest. This is how according to
    the spec the guest knows the release was successful.

Signed-off-by: Igor Skalkin <Igor.Skalkin@opensynergy.com>
Signed-off-by: Anton Yakovlev <Anton.Yakovlev@opensynergy.com>
Signed-off-by: Emmanouil Pitsidianakis <manos.pitsidianakis@linaro.org>
  hw/virtio/trace-events         |   2 +
  hw/virtio/virtio-snd.c         | 262 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
  include/hw/virtio/virtio-snd.h |  11 ++
  3 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

- * Handles VIRTIO_SND_R_PCM_RELEASE. Releases the buffer resources allocated to
- * a stream.
+ * Returns the number of I/O messages that are being processed.
+ *
+ * @stream: VirtIOSoundPCMStream
+ */
+static size_t virtio_snd_pcm_get_pending_io_msgs(VirtIOSoundPCMStream *stream)
+    VirtIOSoundPCMBlock *block;
+    VirtIOSoundPCMBlock *next;
+    size_t size = 0;
+    WITH_QEMU_LOCK_GUARD(&stream->queue_mutex) {
+        QSIMPLEQ_FOREACH_SAFE(block, &stream->queue, entry, next) {
+            size += 1;

Can you add a comment explaining this magic size?

+        }
+    }
+    return size;

+ * The tx virtqueue handler. Makes the buffers available to their respective
+ * streams for consumption.
+ *
+ * @vdev: VirtIOSound device
+ * @vq: tx virtqueue
+ */
+static void virtio_snd_handle_tx(VirtIODevice *vdev, VirtQueue *vq)
+    VirtIOSound *s = VIRTIO_SND(vdev);
+    VirtIOSoundPCMStream *stream = NULL;
+    VirtQueueElement *elem;
+    size_t sz;
+    virtio_snd_pcm_xfer hdr;
+    virtio_snd_pcm_status resp = { 0 };

virtio_snd_pcm_status has multiple fields, so better zero-initialize
all of them with '{ }'.

+    trace_virtio_snd_handle_xfer();
+    for (;;) {
+        elem = virtqueue_pop(vq, sizeof(VirtQueueElement));
+        if (!elem) {
+            break;
+        }
+        /* get the message hdr object */
+        sz = iov_to_buf(elem->out_sg,
+                        elem->out_num,
+                        0,
+                        &hdr,
+                        sizeof(hdr));
+        if (sz != sizeof(hdr)
+            || hdr.stream_id >= s->snd_conf.streams
+            || !s->pcm->streams[hdr.stream_id]) {
+            goto tx_err;
+        }
+        stream = s->pcm->streams[hdr.stream_id];
+        if (stream->direction != VIRTIO_SND_D_OUTPUT) {
+            goto tx_err;
+        }
+        WITH_QEMU_LOCK_GUARD(&stream->queue_mutex) {
+            virtio_snd_pcm_read_write(stream,
+                    vq,
+                    elem,
+                    hdr.stream_id == VIRTIO_SND_D_INPUT);
+            resp.status = VIRTIO_SND_S_OK;
+            iov_from_buf(elem->in_sg,
+                         elem->in_num,
+                         0,
+                         &resp,
+                         sizeof(resp));
+        }
+        continue;
+        WITH_QEMU_LOCK_GUARD(&stream->queue_mutex) {
+            resp.status = VIRTIO_SND_S_BAD_MSG;
+            iov_from_buf(elem->in_sg,
+                         elem->in_num,
+                         0,
+                         &resp,
+                         sizeof(resp));
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * Notify vq about virtio_snd_pcm_status responses.
+     * Buffer responses must be notified separately later.
+     */
+    virtio_notify(VIRTIO_DEVICE(s), vq);

+ * AUD_* output callback.
+ *
+ * @data: VirtIOSoundPCMStream stream
+ * @available: number of bytes that can be written with AUD_write()
+ */
+static void virtio_snd_pcm_out_cb(void *data, int available)
+    VirtIOSoundPCMStream *stream = data;
+    VirtIOSoundPCMBlock *block;
+    VirtIOSoundPCMBlock *next;
+    size_t size;
+    WITH_QEMU_LOCK_GUARD(&stream->queue_mutex) {
+        QSIMPLEQ_FOREACH_SAFE(block, &stream->queue, entry, next) {
+            for (;;) {
+                size = MIN(block->size, available);
+                size = AUD_write(stream->voice.out,
+                        block->data + block->offset,
+                        size);

If AUD_write() returns 0, is this an infinite loop?

+                block->size -= size;
+                block->offset += size;
+                if (!block->size) {
+                    virtqueue_push(block->vq,
+                            block->elem,
+                            sizeof(block->elem));
+                    virtio_notify(VIRTIO_DEVICE(stream->s),
+                            block->vq);
+                    QSIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&stream->queue, entry);
+                    g_free(block);
+                    available -= size;
+                    break;
+                }
+                available -= size;
+                if (!available) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (!available) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * Flush all buffer data from this stream's queue into the driver's virtual
+ * queue.
+ *
+ * @stream: VirtIOSoundPCMStream *stream
+ */
+static void virtio_snd_pcm_flush(VirtIOSoundPCMStream *stream)
+    VirtIOSoundPCMBlock *block;
+    VirtIOSoundPCMBlock *next;
+    WITH_QEMU_LOCK_GUARD(&stream->queue_mutex) {
+        QSIMPLEQ_FOREACH_SAFE(block, &stream->queue, entry, next) {
+            AUD_write(stream->voice.out, block->data + block->offset, 

Is it OK to ignore AUD_write() returning < block->size?
If so, can you add a comment please?

+            virtqueue_push(block->vq, block->elem, sizeof(block->elem));
+            virtio_notify(VIRTIO_DEVICE(stream->s), block->vq);
+            QSIMPLEQ_REMOVE(&stream->queue, block, VirtIOSoundPCMBlock, entry);
+        }
+    }

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