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Re: [PATCH v10 08/18] target/riscv: add rva22u64 profile definition

From: Jerry Shih
Subject: Re: [PATCH v10 08/18] target/riscv: add rva22u64 profile definition
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2023 16:13:51 +0800

On Nov 3, 2023, at 21:46, Daniel Henrique Barboza <dbarboza@ventanamicro.com> 
> +/*
> + * RVA22U64 defines some 'named features' or 'synthetic extensions'
> + * that are cache related: Za64rs, Zic64b, Ziccif, Ziccrse, Ziccamoa
> + * and Zicclsm. We do not implement caching in QEMU so we'll consider
> + * all these named features as always enabled.
> + *

Hi Daniel,

If the cache related extensions are `ignored/assumed enabled`, why don't
we export them in `riscv,isa`?
If we try to check the RVA22 profile in linux kernel running with qemu, the
isa string is not match RVA22 profile.


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