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directory_files question

From: Duncan Patton a Campbell
Subject: directory_files question
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 09:51:12 -0600

Howdy Daniel, all?

in the manual:

8.27.7  directory_files/2 


    directory_files(+atom, ?list)

but when I run it at the top level I get a returned value that
looks like a list with a single atomic term:

| ?- findall(X,directory_files('./',X),XL),length(XL,Xlen).

XL = 
Xlen = 1

This is the same for 1.40 on amd64 as for 1.3.1 on i386 so mebbe this is what 
is intended?



Ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostro voco.

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