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Logtalk 3.55.0 released

From: Paulo Moura
Subject: Logtalk 3.55.0 released
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 14:34:35 +0100


Logtalk 3.55.0 is now available for downloading at:

This release adds Windows PowerShell versions of the setup, integration, 
embedding, and tools Bash shell scripts (joint work with Hans N. Beck); 
includes new and improved Handbook sections; adds a library file for loading 
all installed packs; improves handling of file paths by the "diagrams", 
"lgtdoc", and "wrapper" tools; improves the documentation of the 
"issue_creator", "lgtunit", and "packs" tools; includes fixes and improvements 
for the "lgtdoc" scripts; updates the "" and 
"" scripts to optionally generate packs documentation and 
diagrams; updates the Windows installer to copy the PowerShell integration and 
setup scripts to the system directory; updates documentation of the Visual 
Studio Code text editor Logtalk plug-in; adds new tests for official and de 
facto standard Prolog features; and includes portability updates Scryer Prolog, 
Tau Prolog, and YAP.

For details and a complete list of changes, please consult the release notes at:

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Happy logtalking!

Paulo Moura
Logtalk developer

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