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Re: [Openvortex-dev] [PATCH] vortex_workaround cleanup

From: Shamus
Subject: Re: [Openvortex-dev] [PATCH] vortex_workaround cleanup
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 22:41:09 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

Hash: SHA1

| But autodetection already enables the workaround for all the cases that we
| know need it. Without the easy fix the poor schmuck will have to
| complain to us. This means we can fix autodetection, and no one will
| have to run into the problem again.

Ah, now I see. I had no idea you were doing the autodetection in the
driver itself. And while I agree that it's better to get someone to tell
you the details of their setup so you can detect more cases, this isn't
going to happen all the time. In a perfect world... :-)

| With the module parameter the poor schmuck has to search for a
| way/reason to enable the workaround. If he/she finds it then they hit a
| switch and forget about it, we never hear about it, and so can't fix
| it for anyone else. If they don't find the workaround they are in the
| same situation as if it hadn't been there at all.

Ah, but it's still easier this way--you keep the kernel parameter
undocumented so that Mr. Schmuck is still in the "have to complain"
category. You get his information so that you can incorporate it into
the autodetection and you tell him about the undocumented kernel
parameter. You get the info you need to patch the driver and Mr. Schmuck
gets to have his card working with relatively less pain than he would
have if he had to recompile/reinstall sound drivers. Everybody's happy.
In theory. ;-)

But, of course, if it's just too difficult to maintain cleanly, by all
means, nuke it. :-)

- -- Shamus

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