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Re: [Adonthell-devel] First inventory code

From: Kai Sterker
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-devel] First inventory code
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 21:01:43 +0100

On 11 Feb 2003 20:18:46 +0100 Alexandre Courbot wrote:

> > Just in case you're curious, I've just committed some inventory code
> > to the 0.3 branch. has been somewhat extended, and
> > is new. The actual inventory class is still missing; I'll
> > probably start working on that tomorrow.
> Well, can't say much, excepted it works flawlessly and looks very
> fast! A quick overlook at the code didn't show up anything shocking.
> Guess it's the good way, maybe we'll finally have items working soon!

I hope so! I've written more code today (inventory, item storage) but
not tested yet. I'll do that tomorrow. Once the current code works
reliable, I can start trying out different items and their actions (and
complete missing functionality).

I will also give some thoughts on characters. How they equip items and
how items affect their stats. That's where the game rules come in, so I
could use any information available about them during the next few
weeks. Ben, Nils?

Another big issue is the item-related GUI: inventory, those 'quick
slots', etc. Once everything else is done, and once we have a usable
v0.4 code repository, I'd like to give that a try too. You wanted to
write something down about this too, Ben, right? Again, it's only a
matter of weeks 'til I could make some use of it :).

Oh, as the sample code has slightly changed, find the newest version
attached. Proper inventory test will come tomorrow then.


Attachment: slot-test.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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