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Re: [aspell-user] aspell problems

From: Kevin Atkinson
Subject: Re: [aspell-user] aspell problems
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 12:08:04 -0400 (EDT)

> 1) If the user has an existing aspell configuration, specifying language,
>    the build could fail: I had specified "american" as the language and
>    removed the previous aspell installation (as I've known the aspell
>    build process not to be clean before - it would happily link new
>    binaries with the old libraries). When aspell was run during the
>    build process to create these dictionaries, it failed - complaining
>    that the "american" file couldn't be found. IMHO, aspell shouldn't
>    look for external info during build.

Could you give me some more detail.  It shouldn't be doing this.

> 2) --lang doesn't seem to work. I have LANG=no_NO set, and
>    "aspell --lang=american -c brit.txt" uses the Norwegian dictionary.
>    Using the environment variable is nice, but command line options
>    or configuration files should take precedence (I just tried the
>    configuration file now, with the same results)

The option you want to use is --language-tag=en_US or --master=american
(or -d american) not --lang=american.  The --lang tag should only really
be used when creating dictionaries.  It will also work when selecting a
dictionary but only if the language of that name exists, the "american" is
not an Aspell language ("english" is).

Kevin Atkinson
kevina at users sourceforge net

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