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Re: fill breaks verbatim macros not followed with spaces

From: Ikumi Keita
Subject: Re: fill breaks verbatim macros not followed with spaces
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2022 15:00:50 +0900

Hi Arash,

>>>>> Arash Esbati <> writes:
> Your latest suggestion is probably easier, so we could take it for
> LaTeX-mode.  I didn't have the time to check my proposal in docTeX-mode,
> so I applied your patch and did it now with this test file:
> % \iffalse
> %<*driver>
> \documentclass{ltxdoc}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{etoolbox}
> \usepackage{iftex}
> \begin{document}
> \DocInput{minimal-dtx.dtx}
> \end{document}
> %</driver>
> % \fi
> %
> % Here is some text with \verb|longer inline verbatim input in one line|
> % and now the same thing with
> %
> % Here is some text with |longer inline verbatim which does break over
> % a line|
> %
> % \endinput
> % Local Variables:
> % mode: doctex
> % TeX-master: t
> % End:
> ltxdoc.el adds '|' to `LaTeX-shortvrb-chars' but fontification of \verb
> macro and verbatim-environment doesn't work with docTeX.  I think your
> proposal doesn't work there for the same reason.  Maybe we can try to
> address this issue as well.

I have an impression that it would be a tough task. One possible
approach is to make % at BOL lose comment syntax by syntax
propertization, but I'm not sure how much adjustment would be needed to
make it consistent with all other components of AUCTeX.

> And while we're at it, I think there is also a bug in docTeX-mode which
> indents verbatim environments like this:

> % \begin{verbatim}
> % foobar
> % \end{verbatim}

> Note the spaces inserted, most notably before the content which means
> that it will be inserted in the final product.  I will see if adding it
> to `docTeX-indent-inner-fixed' fixes the issue.


Ikumi Keita
#StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine

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