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Re: [GSoC Proposal] automake - Interfacing with a test protocol like TAP

From: Stefano Lattarini
Subject: Re: [GSoC Proposal] automake - Interfacing with a test protocol like TAP or subunit
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 20:41:49 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.3 (Linux/2.6.30-2-686; KDE/4.4.4; i686; ; )

Summarizing a long discussion:
>   The Test Anything Protocol (TAP) is a simple text-based protocol
>   that allows communication between test scripts and a test harness.
Hello all, and especially hello Robert (yes, I'm shamelessly asking
for your partecipation here ;-)  Please read on ...)

At this point, it seems that the consensus of the active community
is "please try out Subunit, and if that does fail, fall back to TAP".   

Now, it should be clear I'm not a huge fan of SubUnit *over TAP*, but
 - TAP output should be easily convertible to SubUnit output (huge
   advantage for TAP fans like me), and:
 - there are SubUnit producers for many "important" languages, i.e.
   C++, C, shell, perl and python,
I'm (grudgingly-ish) prepared to bow in front of the community's

Still, as I said in an earlier mail, I don't really feel confident
and/or comfortable working with SubUnit protocol at this point, due
to its suboptimal documentation.  So I'm going to ask: Robert, as
the main proposer/supporter of the SubUnit protocol here, would you
be willing and ready to help me out during my prospective work with
GSoC, if I update my application's goal to read "Support SubUnit
(and also TAP as derivation) in Automake-generated testsuites"?
Maybe we could also improve SubUnit's documentation along the way,
which would help both me and Automake, and also improve SubUnit
itself and make it more "palatable" for potential adopters.


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