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Re: [avr-chat] Suppliers

From: Jim Brain
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Suppliers
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 20:31:22 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Terry Karlson wrote:

Derric Tubbs wrote:

I've only recently started tinkering with the AVRs and
am just starting some projects.  I'm wondering if
anyone has any suggestions as to where to and NOT to
buy from for both AVRs and other general components,
including basics such as resistors, caps, and diodes.

I've ordered from Digikey twice, and have been very satisfied with their service. Their on-line order process works well, and for $8 (Can) it's shipped by Puralator. In both cases, I had ordered in the afternoon, and got it before noon the next day.

-Terry Karlson

I'll second (or third or fourth, fifth, or sixth) DigiKey. Many of the other sites make me request a quote, or won't show the pricing on the search results page. With AVRs, as with other parts, I can be flexible at times, in case the PLCC version of the MEGA32 is cheaper than the DIP version, etc. I can quickly gather that information from the DigiKey search page. Shipments arrive fast, and the linked datasheets and such is great for parts I'm not sure about.

I've odered a dozen times from them or so, and AVRs were in every order. They are pretty competitive on passives and such compared to allelectronics.com and jameco.com, so it's rarely worth the effort to buy the AVRs from DK and the passives from somewhere else. Sometimes, it is worth it though, so I check the other sites when making an order.


Jim Brain, Brain Innovations
address@hidden                                http://www.jbrain.com
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!

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