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Re: [avr-chat] USB and avrdude 5.0 Windows build on Savannah

From: Henrik Maier
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] USB and avrdude 5.0 Windows build on Savannah
Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2005 14:01:56 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)


Did you even try to install libusb-win32 before (and tell avrdude's
configure where to find it)?

To be quite honest I did not. I was hoping "-P usb" on the command line
would be all what's needed.

After you posted the reply I looked into libusb-win32 and how to apply
it to avrdude.

Using avrdude with USB on Windows seems more complex than I thought as a
driver has to be installed first and as I understand Atmels USB driver
for the JTAGicemkii needs to be uninstalled.

Q: Which of the two libusb-win32 drivers (filter or device) shall be used?
Q: Can libusb-win32 coexist with Atmels jtagicemkii USB driver or needs
the latter one to be uninstalled?

Henrik Maier

Joerg Wunsch wrote:
 > But anyway, I eventually did that -- and had to find that libusb-win32
is simply a bit more picky about some details.  Alas, I didn't have
time for that experiment before avrdude 5.0, so the required fixes
aren't there in 5.0 (but they are in the tree already right now).  So
for an avrdude that works with USB, you have to wait for the next
version, or use the stuff straight from CVS.  As a number of bugfixes
have been implemented since 5.0, well maybe Brian Dean might roll a
5.1 version within the next few weeks.  I think it would be justified
to do so.

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