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Re: [avr-chat] Serial Numbers with avrdude (or other?)

From: Ned Konz
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Serial Numbers with avrdude (or other?)
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 12:02:52 -0800

On Sep 14, 2005, at 11:21 AM, Joerg Wunsch wrote:

"E. Weddington" <address@hidden> wrote:

I would strongly suggest looking at the SRecord utilities.

I think his point was to avoid calling another utility, and have
avrdude write something directly to a certain memory location.

Otherwise you're right, if you want to use a separate load file, it's
quite easy.  It doesn't even need srecord-style tools, it probably
takes some kind of scripting language to manage the serial number
database anyway, so that scripting language could as well drop out an
ihex file directly.

Here's a little perl program that generates a single S3 record at a given address.

So for instance, if you wanted the serial number 1234 embedded as a 4- byte little-endian value at address 0x800000, you'd do:
$ perl srecord.pl 0x800000 V 1234

and you'd get the single line:


It might be useful as an example, but I haven't tried it with avrdude.

Attachment: srecord.pl
Description: Text Data

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