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[avr-chat] Help! Can't get Timer 3 interrupt to work (mega128)

From: Rick Mann
Subject: [avr-chat] Help! Can't get Timer 3 interrupt to work (mega128)
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 16:23:11 -0800

I have the following code (sorry for the bad formatting; I use 4-char tab stops):

        //      Set up Timer 3. It should count, and generate an interrupt at 
        //      This will drive the basic control loop.
TCCR3A = (0 << COM3A1) | (0 << COM3A0) // Output disconnected (we only want interrupts) | (0 << COM3B1) | (0 << COM3B0) // Output disconnected (we only want interrupts) | (0 << COM3C1) | (0 << COM3C0) // Output disconnected (we only want interrupts)
                                | (0 << WGM31) | (0 << WGM30);                  
                                            //      CTC, TOP := ICR3
TCCR3B = (0 << ICNC3) | (0 << ICES3) // Disable input capture noise canceler, edge select to negative.
                                | (0 << WGM33) | (1 << WGM32)                   
                                            //      CTC, TOP := OCR3A
| (0 << CS32) | (1 << CS31) | (0 << CS30); // prescale: clk(i/ o) / 8
        OCR3A = 9999;                                                           
                                                        //      100 Hz loop
        //ICR3 = 1999;                                                          
                                                        //      500 Hz loop
        //ICR3 = 999;                                                           
                                                                //      1000 Hz 
        //ICR3 = 499;                                                           
                                                                //      2000 Hz 
        TCNT3 = 0;                                                              
                                                                //      Reset 
the timer
TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE3A); // Enable Timer 3 OCRA match interrupt

It's supposed to call the interrupt handler at 100 Hz. Instead, the default handler is getting called at 10 kHz. I've put in handles for all of the TIMER3 vectors I could find in iom128.h, but it's still triggering something else. Any ideas?

I was hoping to use the timer in CTC mode, with no output pins active, to generate an internal interrupt.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I guess my next step is to install handlers for all the rest of the vectors...sigh.



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