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[Axiom-developer] Compiling AXIOM on SuSE 8.0

From: Bertfried Fauser
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Compiling AXIOM on SuSE 8.0
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 15:20:42 +0100 (CET)


just to thank you for your help.

-- AXIOM didn't compile on my work computer, as David Mentre suggested due
to a wrong translation of UPPERCASE filenames /net/CliDisk/... ->

-- AXIOM compiled sucessfully on my home computer (SuSE 8.0, AMD XP1800
(however the compiler did not notice the CPU)) and seems to be fully
functional. (At least it did what I tried in a correct way)

./configure is helpfull, but why not actually setting these variables

make works

make install didn't work (as root) for the following reasons

localhost:/home/fauser/axiom # make install
78 installing Axiom in /usr/local/axiom
cat: /home/fauser/axiom/src/etc/axiomcmd: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1

may be the directory is missing or wrongly addressed?

thanks for your help again, I can now start to play with the system
:-)))) and will try to in stall TeXmax also.

% |   | PD Dr Bertfried Fauser    Fachbereich Physik    Fach M 678  |
%  \ /  Universit"at Konstanz     78457 Konstanz        Germany     |
% (mul) Phone : +49 7531 693491   FAX : +49 7531 88-4864 or 4266 (comul)
%   |   E-mail: address@hidden                   / \
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