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[Axiom-developer] book

From: root
Subject: [Axiom-developer] book
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 09:49:35 -0500

> Isn't it possible to put the pre-version in the cvs under a different
> module name, even if it's not finished.
> People could send you remarks or correction or add a notice saying
> pre-release please don't send me message about it 'til completion.

I could take this approach but don't plan to. It adds more overhead to
the task and I'm changing things every day. Telling people that "here
is the book" but don't believe what you read won't work. Telling them
"here is the book" but don't try this at home won't work (that's what
the book is for). Telling them "here is the book" will generate a raft
of corrections, some of which I've already made. Telling them "here is
the book" but don't send me corrections eliminates the great value-add
of sharing it. 

> I'm really looking forward to reading it before jumping head on into Axiom.

I understand. Mike Dewar has said he has 6 free copies available. Send him
a note and hope. I looked at the current cost for used versions on Amazon 
and it is running about $48 a copy. (Sure is a shame I don't get royalties :-)).

It's coming. Like Axiom itself, it is a larger task than I expected. 
As Torvolds said about Linux "It's late. I'm always late".


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