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[Axiom-developer] Questions (Bugs?)

From: Stefan Dirnstorfer
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Questions (Bugs?)
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 09:38:44 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030821

I found a few issues with the October 31st binary release of Axiom.
Maybe some result from false usage.  I would very much appreciate any
hints, fixes or explanations for these messages.

1) In my understanding, fist class values should be assignable like this:

(1) -> x:Type==Integer
(2) -> x
  Compiling body of rule x to compute value of type Domain

  >> System error:
  Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged]

protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
(2) ->

2) According to a list of features I found on the net, the normal
  distribution should be numerically invertable. So why does this not work?

(3) -> numeric(erf(0.0))

  (3)  0.0
(4) -> numeric(erf(0.1))

  >> Error detected within library code:
  Can only compute the numerical value of a constant, real-valued

protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
(4) ->

3) This one compiles with aldor and similar syntax is used in the
  $AXIOM/src/algebra/*.spad files. So what's wrong with it?

(1) -> MyCat:Cateroy == with { new: ()->% }
  Internal Error
  Unexpected error in call to system function pf2Sex1

protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
(1) ->

Thank you very much for any answers


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