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[Axiom-developer] docstrings created by aldor

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: [Axiom-developer] docstrings created by aldor
Date: 12 Apr 2007 19:45:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

Dear Tim, Waldek,

I'm currently experimenting with libdb.text files generated by aldor when
compiling for axiom.

Would you have an idea why

+++   \begin{adusage}
+++     x: \adthistype{} :=
+++     k: MachineInteger := 3;
+++     s: \adthistype{} := \adthisname(x, k);
+++   \end{adusage}%$
+++   \begin{addescription}{Stretch a \useterm{cycle index series}.}
+++     For some integer $k$ and a given \useterm{cycle index series}
+++     \begin{gather*}
+++       f = \sum_{n=0}^\infty f_n(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)
+++     \end{gather*}
+++     the function returns a \emph{stretched} series $g$
+++     \begin{gather*}
+++       g = \sum_{n=0}^\infty f_n(x_k,x_{2k},\ldots,x_{nk}).
+++     \end{gather*}
+++   \end{addescription}
+++   \begin{adremarks}
+++     This functions respects the fact that
+++     \adcode$\adname[FormalPowerSeriesCategory]{coefficient}(g,n)$
+++     returns a polynomial of (weighted) degree $n$, \ie, the function
+++     \adcode$\adname[FormalPowerSeriesCategory]{coefficients}(g)$
+++     returns a sequence with gaps of size $k-1$ between actual non-zero
+++     polynomials.
+++   \end{adremarks}

in the aldor source would be transformed into 

x: \adthistype{} := \adname[CombinatorialSpeciesCategory]{cycl
eIndexSeries}$\adtype{SetSpecies}(Integer);      k: MachineInteger := 3;
s: \adthistype{} := \adthisname(x, k);    \end{adusage}%$    \b
egin{addescription}{Stretch a \useterm{cycle index series}.}      For some
integer $k$ and a given \useterm{cycle index series}      \begin{g
ather*}        f = \sum_{n=0}^\infty f_n(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)
\end{gather----------------*}      the function returns a \emph{stretched}
series $g$      \begin{gather*}        g = \sum_{n=0}^\infty
f_n(x_k,x_{2k},\ldots,x_{nk}).      \end{gather*}    \end{addescription}
in{adremarks}      This functions respects the fact that
\adcode$\adname[FormalPowerSeriesCategory]{coefficient}(g,n)$      returns a po
lynomial of (weighted) degree $n$, \ie, the function
\adcode$\adname[FormalPowerSeriesCategory]{coefficients}(g)$      returns a
e with gaps o--f --si--ze-- $--k---1$-- b--etween actual non-zero
polynomials.    \end{adremarks}

in libdb.text?

(The line breaks are OK, but the minus signs in

\end{gather----------------*}      the function returns a \emph{stretched}


e with gaps o--f --si--ze-- $--k---1$-- b--etween actual non-zero

are terrible!

Some hints:

in the asy file, everything is still ok:

                (|symeNameCode| . 798514742)
                (|symeTypeCode| . 622595490)))
              (|Apply| -> (|Comma| % |ACMachineInteger|) %)
              ((|documentation| .
                  "   \\begin{adusage}
     x: \\adthistype{} :=
     k: MachineInteger := 3;
     s: \\adthistype{} := \\adthisname(x, k);
   \\begin{addescription}{Stretch a \\useterm{cycle index series}.}
     For some integer $k$ and a given \\useterm{cycle index series}
       f = \\sum_{n=0}^\\infty f_n(x_1,x_2,\\ldots,x_n)
     the function returns a \\emph{stretched} series $g$
       g = \\sum_{n=0}^\\infty f_n(x_k,x_{2k},\\ldots,x_{nk}).
     This functions respects the fact that
     returns a polynomial of (weighted) degree $n$, \\ie, the function
     returns a sequence with gaps of size $k-1$ between actual non-zero

Also the version in is fine.  I could not find any other files
that contain the docstring.

The libdb is created magically when I first )lib the compiled files

Any insight would be great,


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