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[baby-devel] BabyChess 14

From: Jerome Kunegis
Subject: [baby-devel] BabyChess 14
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 16:10:35 +0100 (MET)


BabyChess Version 14 is now available:


Included programs


        The PGN (portable game notation) file editor.


        The chess game editor.  Can be used to play against the
        built-in chess engine. 


        The chess position editor. 


        The ICS (internet chess server) client.


        The chess evaluator.


        The XBoard engine. 

New Features

PGN Support:  

- PGN comments are supported.  They are read from input files, can be
  viewed and edited in the game editor, and are stored in PGN format.  
- Support for recursive variations:  They can be read from PGN files,
  written to PGN files, viewed and edited.  

The Game Editor:

- If a promotion is possible, radio buttons are shown to choose the
  promotion piece. 

The Position Editor:

- The FEN string of the current position can be shown in an edit box.
  This feature is disabled by default and can be activated in the
  "View|Fen notation" menu.  Any FEN string can be pasted into that
  box and will be used by clicking "Set".  
- When an en passant move is possible, the last move can be chosen
  among all possible double pawn moves. 
- If kings and rooks are on their starting squares, possible castlings
  can be chosen.  

The Chess Board:

- Anti-aliasing can be turned off in the board settings.  
- There is now a frame around the chess board, which displays the file
  names and rank numbers.  The frame is shown by default and can be
  hidden in the board settings.   

Other New Features:

- The notation and the board settings are now saved across sessions. 


- GTK+ 1.2 or higher
- LibPNG
- A 16 bit or more graphic display
- Gcc
- Gnu Sed

Operating systems

This version of BabyChess was tested on the following operating systems: 

- Mandrake 9.0
- Solaris with GCC and GNU Sed


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