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[Bayonne-devel] Labels broken on new ccscript ??

From: Test Bayonne
Subject: [Bayonne-devel] Labels broken on new ccscript ??
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 14:23:10 +0000

When trying to use a label with ccscript3-1.0.9 (used in Bayonne2), it seems that it doesn't work anymore (was fine with the version used for Bayonne1)

ex: test7.scr
 echo "start script test6"
 goto ::alpha

 echo "alpha"

When using the builtin testscript application in directory tests
./testscript test7
compiled test7; 5 steps
start script test6
ccscript: test7.scr(2): script test7::alpha missing
ccscript: test7.scr(4): script alpha missing

In the previous version, the corresponding line for the label was stored in an entry of the "index" array when compiling, it isn't true anymore (the index array just contains one entry with the name of the script).
With the previous version, in
int ScriptImage::compile(istream *str, char *name, const char *scrname)
when we identify a label (if(!strncmp(token, "::", 2)),), we break the current loop and go to the compile label. With the new version, we set token to "call" and pretoken to "alpha" but we don't go back to the label compile. Should we use the labels diffently ? or is it indeed a bug and could we have a patch (the code changed too much to understand what we are supposed to do) ?

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