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Re: to - Bookmark file system locations in bash on POSIX-like systems

From: Roman Rakus
Subject: Re: to - Bookmark file system locations in bash on POSIX-like systems
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 15:41:34 +0200
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I think the much better would be to improve getopt command or getopts builtin.


On 04/10/2013 03:35 PM, dnade.ext@orange.com wrote:
Sorry to hack the thread, but I was wondering too if there was actually a 
place/list to announce such contributions.

I've recently developpedhttps://github.com/Anvil/bash-argsparse  (high level argument 
parsing library for bash) and wanted to submit it to the "bash community" for 
review, comments, and increase my own small user community.



Damien Nadé<dnade.ext@orange.com>
Astek Sud-Est pour France Télécom - FT/OF/OFA/DMGP/PORTAIL/DOP/DEV/EAQS
Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : 04 97 46 28 74

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