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[Bug-freedink] Re: free 'bhit' and 'burn' sounds...

From: Sylvain Beucler
Subject: [Bug-freedink] Re: free 'bhit' and 'burn' sounds...
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:56:53 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 06:17:55PM -0700, Petteri Tolonen wrote:
> Sylvain Beucler wrote:
>> They sound good indeed!
>> We've got to check whether the license is free though.  Could you
>> translate this paragraph, which is apparently the license:
>>   !!!OBSERVERA!!!
>>   Rättigheterna är helt fria på samtliga ljud: Du kan alltså använda
>>   dem precis hur mycket du vill i vilka sammanhang som helst utan att
>>   behöva fråga om lov eller ha några tillstånd!
>>     Känner du att ljuden hjälpt dig på vägen; tacka gärna
>>   "independent.nu" i eftertexterna till din film!
> The rights are totally free for all sounds. That means you can use them  
> as much as you want in any context you like, without needing to ask for  
> permission.
> If you feel that these sounds have helped you then say thanks to  
> 'independent.nu' in the end credits of your film.
>> and also this one, which is apparently the origin?
>>   Ur vårt digra arkiv av ljudeffekter (använt bl.a. till att ljudlägga
>>   långfilmen Sleepwalker) har vi valt ett gäng av de häftigaste ljuden
>>   för att du ska kunna spetsa din film till en mer underhållande
>>   helhetsupplevelse
> Out of our deep achives of sound effects (used among other things in the  
> film Sleepwalker) we have chosen the coolest sounds, so that you can  
> make your movie a more entertaining experience.

> So I guess they can be used as long as you mention independent.nu  
> somewhere in the game.

Hmm, we're in a situation where the author is apparently of good will,
but the legal language is unclear.  Typically permissive licenses need
to mention freedom to "use", "modify" and "distribute".  For example
the text gives you the right to "use" the sound in the game, but
doesn't allow you to modify it.

Since we want freedink-data to be packaged in most distros, which have
strict legal requirements, we need to be careful.  Maybe you could ask
address@hidden if they think this is DFSG-compatible?

> By the way.. I made two more:
> http://koti.mbnet.fi/~pretzel/freedink-data/bhit.wav
> http://koti.mbnet.fi/~pretzel/freedink-data/burn.wav
> Tell me what you think.

Cool! 'bhit' sounds great. 'burn' was maybe not loud enough in the
game when burning trees.


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