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From: David Kuehling
Subject: undigestify-rmail-message
Date: 03 Mar 2002 13:45:10 +0100

In GNU Emacs 21.1.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit)
`undigistify-rmail-message seeems' to contain a bunch of bugs.

When using it on the mplayer-users@mplayerhq.hu digest, it shows:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
* call-interactively(undigestify-rmail-message)

There seem to be two bugs in the loop that scans for end-of-digest:

    (while (and regexps (not found))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
      ;; compensate for broken un*x digestifiers.  Sigh Sigh.
      (while (and (> (point) start) (not found))
        (forward-line -1)
        (if (looking-at (car regexps))
            (setq found t))
        (setq regexps (cdr regexps))))

Shouldn't it be:

    (while (and regexps (not found))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
      ;; compensate for broken un*x digestifiers.  Sigh Sigh.
      (while (and (> (point) start) (not found))
        (if (looking-at (car regexps))
            (setq found t))
        (forward-line -1))
      (setq regexps (cdr regexps)))


But after changing that, I get the following error:

undigestify-rmail-message: Message is not a digest--no end line

`rmail-digest-end-regexps' seems to lack a regexp for matching a simple
end line as in "End of MPlayer-users Digest". mplayer-users is handled
by mailman; shouldn't that be supported by default?

But even adding that regexp doesn't help, since undigest.el doesn't know
the mail separator string "--__--__--" and that isn't configurable.

I attach an RMAIL Babyl-file containing one of the digests to this
mail. I'd be pleased for any patches.

With this level of bugs I keep wondering how Emacs 21.1 made it into a
public release :-(

David Kühling

Attachment: mplayer.xmail.gz
Description: RMAIL Babyl file of mplayer-users digests

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