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Re: breakthrough: use $* instead of * in dired-do-shell-command

From: David Masterson
Subject: Re: breakthrough: use $* instead of * in dired-do-shell-command
Date: 03 Mar 2002 14:05:38 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

>>>>> Dan Jacobson writes:

> [Below you just gotta accept my logic... "*" pales as a major
> embarrassment in the towering shadow of my $* idea.]

Umm.  You're rambling, but I take it that your idea is that
dired-do-shell-command should use "$" to escape the special meaning of
"*" (and "?"?) in dired-do-shell-command?  Correct?

David Masterson                dmaster AT synopsys DOT com
Sr. R&D Engineer               Synopsys, Inc.
Software Engineering           Sunnyvale, CA

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