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Re: sc-cite-region doesn't allow making old-fashioned "> " cites

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Re: sc-cite-region doesn't allow making old-fashioned "> " cites
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 22:43:59 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.090005 (Oort Gnus v0.05) Emacs/21.1.95 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

Dan Jacobson <jidanni@deadspam.com> wrote:

DJ> OK, say I'm in supercite.  I have a region that I want to cite

GM> sc-cite-region (if not already cited)
GM> sc-recite-region (if already cited)

GM> Not really a bug - followups to gnu.emacs.help?

DJ> Not so fast, Morris.

OK, OK, I'm listening. :)

[Personally I'd say a "how do I do this" question is not a bug, but what
the hell, we're here now.]

DJ> I dare you to use your above two commands to cite some text

Well, I did *try* to check them the first time round...

> so it looks like this, with one arrow in front, just like mom used
> to make.

DJ> You will see that it is impossible, no matter what you enter into the
DJ> minibuffer in response to supercite's prompt.

Right, here's a list of what I've tried:

i)  Followup to your message. Enter either "" or "DJ" for the attribution
string in response to the initial Supercite prompt.

ii) Once in my reply, select a region already cited with "DJ>", then do
`sc-recite-region' on it. Enter either "" or "foo" for the new attribution

iii) Select a region that's not cited and do `sc-cite-region' on it. Enter
either "" or "foo" for the new attribution string.
> The former gives me this old-fashioned kind of citing that you wanted.

All of these work for me. Which don't work for you? How don't they work? Do
you get any messages? Use short sentences please, my head often hurts by
the time I get to the end of some of your more baroque offerings. ;)

This is all with a patched version of Supercite, right? (Humour me). I
mean, if we're still talking about the Supercite that ships with Emacs 21,
then not being able to enter "" is the same bug as started this thread.

BTW, RMS has come up with a proper patch (none of this "X" nonsense) for
that, which is now in the CVS version. But I tried the "X" version for all
those three points and it worked too.

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