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bug#31341: 26.1; setting ispell-base-dicts-override-alist no longer work

From: Anders Johansson
Subject: bug#31341: 26.1; setting ispell-base-dicts-override-alist no longer working
Date: Wed, 02 May 2018 21:20:02 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 26.1

A recipe for testing. Putting the following code in a file ispell-test.el and running ‘emacs -Q l ispell-test.el‘ gives a positive result for ispell.el byte-compiled without lexical-binding and negative result with lexical binding. It also works to just add (defvar ispell-base-dicts-override-alist) in ispell.el.

(load-library "ispell")

(add-hook 'ispell-initialize-spellchecker-hook #'ispell-extra-dicts-test)

(defun ispell-extra-dicts-test ()
 (setq ispell-base-dicts-override-alist
          "[[:alpha:]]" "[^[:alpha:]]"
          "[’'´.0-b:-]" t ("-d" "en_GB,sv_SE")
          nil utf-8))))


(if (assoc "en_GB,sv_SE" ispell-dictionary-alist)
   (message "It worked!")
 (message "it didn’t work"))


On Wednesday 2 May 2018 at 18:46, Glenn Morris <rgm@gnu.org> wrote:

Glenn Morris wrote:

Eli Zaretskii wrote:

Does recompiling ispell.el without lexical-binding solve this problem?

I think using

(defvar ispell-base-dicts-override-alist nil)

(to mark the var as dynamic) would be better.

Or rather just

(defvar ispell-base-dicts-override-alist)

Anders Johansson

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