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bug#49888: 28.0.50; fido-mode not sorting by recency

From: Manuel Uberti
Subject: bug#49888: 28.0.50; fido-mode not sorting by recency
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2021 10:34:19 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.11.0

On 15/08/21 10:22, João Távora wrote:
Thanks for the report.  Seems like a nice reproduction recipe.  But it
seems like it demonstrates the problem for two fido-mode-using things,
right?  M-x _and_ C-x p p RET f, right?  No problem, just checking.

Yes, both M-x and C-x p p RET f, but the same is true for C-x p f once I am in a project. I used those two as examples because they are two of my most use commands and, among those, the ones with usually more candidates than the rest.

I feel like recency could make a difference especially with commands like these (i.e., commands with a lot of candidates) in terms of how quickly I can find what I am looking for.

Indeed, ido-mode was quited perfected in recency stuff.  I was hard and
still kind is to give up on its very nice default M-p binding that
searches the recent history with whatever you have entered as a
pattern.  I used to use that all the time, and still haven't found a
nice substitute in fido-mode or any other completer for that matter.

True, although I still find M-p useful in fido-mode especially in M-x when I want to reach for the last or second-to-last command.

Manuel Uberti

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