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bug#54062: 29.0.50; [PATCH] Eshell should inform processes when a pipe i

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#54062: 29.0.50; [PATCH] Eshell should inform processes when a pipe is broken
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 13:18:16 -0800

On 2/19/2022 12:19 PM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Cc: 54062@debbugs.gnu.org
From: Jim Porter <jporterbugs@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 12:02:45 -0800

One option would be to call `interrupt-process' instead, since that
works in all cases I'm aware of. This isn't quite as nice as sending
SIGPIPE (or equivalent) to let the process handle it how it wants, but
at least `interrupt-process' has the same default behavior as SIGPIPE
(i.e. terminate the process).

Many console programs catch SIGINT, though.

Can't we terminate ("kill") the process instead?  Or maybe deleting
the process object is enough?

That might work; it would definitely be better than `interrupt-process'. On the other hand, I think it would be nice to handle this case by breaking the pipe if possible, since that would be closer to how it works in regular shells, as I understand it.

Another way would be to add a function like `process-break-pipe' (it
could probably use a better name) that would close the read end of the
process's output pipe, which - if I understand the Win32 API here -
should trigger the right behavior on MS Windows too.

You mean, delete the process object?  That's how we close our end of
the pipe, no?

Do you mean using `delete-process'? That works differently from how I'm imagining things. From reading the code, `delete-process' sends SIGKILL to the process group, but that means that a process that wants to do something special in response to SIGPIPE (or EPIPE, or ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE on Win32) wouldn't be able to, since that's not the signal/error it receives.

In my patch, `process-break-pipe' just closes the file descriptor for the read end of the process's stdout pipe, but otherwise doesn't do anything to the process. Then, when the process tries to write to stdout again, the OS will report (via a signal and/or an error code) that the pipe is broken. Since Win32's WriteFile[1] API returns ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE in this case, that would let MS Windows programs detect and respond to broken pipes in the usual way for that platform.

One caveat is that the head process (`yes' in the example), would only
see the "broken pipe" error on the *next* write after the one where
Eshell detected the broken pipe. That's easy enough to fix for cases
where we can signal SIGPIPE directly, but it's probably ok in general
too: after all, processes don't generally know exactly when a SIGPIPE
might occur, so it occurring slightly later shouldn't cause problems.

I don't see a problem here.  AFAIU, closing a pipe doesn't always
deliver SIGPIPE, it can instead fail the write with EPIPE.  So SIGPIPE
is not guaranteed anyway.

Agreed, I don't think this is really a problem. I just wanted to note that the behavior is slightly different from how someone might expect it to work in a regular shell. (In any case, I think SIGPIPE and EPIPE occur at effectively the same time, and you would check for the latter if you ignored SIGPIPE, for example.[2] Maybe this comes with some caveats or is specific to glibc though.)

(In theory, the tail process should call `process-break-pipe' as soon as
it closes, but in Eshell, the tail process doesn't know what's feeding
it input, so it can't easily do this.)

Not sure I understand: an Emacs process object always knows what's
feeding it.

Emacs process objects could probably do it, but I'm not sure if Eshell's pipelines are able to without being reworked. Eshell pipelines are assembled pretty indirectly; the output of one process goes through a process-filter and into `eshell-output-object', which looks up where to send the data in `eshell-current-handles' (which in turn is let-bound so each process has its own copy). It would probably take quite a bit of work for a process to figure out what's feeding it from its process-sentinel, since that happens in a different context than where the pipeline is constructed. Maybe it's feasible, but if we agree that my caveat in the section above isn't a problem, it would probably be simpler to avoid the extra effort.

[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-writefile [2] https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Operation-Error-Signals.html

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