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Re: [Bug-gnubg] autoplay suggestion

From: Joern Thyssen
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnubg] autoplay suggestion
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 13:42:18 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 09:54:02AM +0100, W.Stroop wrote
> Hi there,
> Now that GNUbg can play against itself,

gnubg has always been capable of playing against itself.

> it might be a good ID to implement
> the following scenario.
> 1  Set up a starting posistion :S ( just like nackgammon, allthough that one
> is initialised
>     by the program )
> 2  Set both Players to gnu backgammon( player A e.g 0 ply, player B  e.g 1
> ply)
> 3  Start a new match (e.g. 7 points ) with S.
> 4  Let GNUbg autoplay the match so don't show the opening dice( or leave
> that as an option ) and don't show the game result( or leave that as an
> option )

I'm sorry, you have to explain a bit more, I'm not sure I understand
exactly what you're suggesting.

If you don't want gnubg to display messages as popups  while playing
against it self, you can open the message window (Window->Messages).
Also, you can issue to command "set display off" to avoid gnubg using
CPU time updating the board.


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