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Re: NSTextField.m patch

From: Serg Stoyan
Subject: Re: NSTextField.m patch
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 19:27:51 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.16i

Hi Nicola,

 NP> > Here is a patch that makes selectText working (i.e. highlight text after
 NP> > Return key pressed).
 NP> what is exactly your problem ?
 NP> Can you tell me how to reproduce it ?

  Create NSTextField. Enter into it some text. Press Return key. Entire
  contents of the text field should be selected(highlighted). But it doesn't.
  Moreover, if i try to select text by NSTextFiled's selectText:
  method (in controlTextDidEndEditing: delegate's method), text flashes 
  from selected(highlighted) to unselected and stays unselected.

Serg Stoyan

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