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Re: Selection patches

From: Serg Stoyan
Subject: Re: Selection patches
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 09:14:07 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.16i

Hello, Jeff Teunissen.

 JT> > NSTexView, etc.). Now selected text highlights with
 JT> > [NSColor selectedTextBackground] instead of NSHighlightRect().
 JT> > 
 JT> > However it's not finished. Here the things that works:
 JT> >   - double click selects all text;
 JT> double-click shouldn't select all text.
 JT> The NeXTstep Human Interface Guidelines suggest:
 JT> Double-click should select one word.
 JT> Triple-click should select one line.
 JT> If supported, quadruple-click should select all text.
 JT> More than that should do nothing.

  Sure it doesn't. It's my mistake, sorry.

Serg Stoyan

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