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gnustep-base-1.5.2 on irix6.5

From: Carl Eugen Hoyos
Subject: gnustep-base-1.5.2 on irix6.5
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 17:20:16 +0100 (CET)

I tested gnustep-*-1.5.2 on irix6.5:

On most operating systems, make's configure knows which threading library
it has to try: On irix, the default should be -lpthread and not -lthread
At the moment, the user has to pass --with-thread-lib=-lpthread to get
working NSThreads.

There is still no libffi with closures for irix, so ffcall is the
recommended library (as for solaris, but this patch will soon be released
while there is no patch for irix).

The following tests in gnustep-base-1.5.2/Testing produce problems:

nsconnection_server doesn't crash, but produces the following output:
(getSmallStruct:) got 12, returning 59
((null)) got i=3211286 s={_foo=i*L}0@+8:+16{_foo=i*L}+24 l=9 returning i=1
s=horse l=987654
(getStruct:) got i=0 s=(null) l=0, returning i=1 s=horse l=987654
(sendObject:) got object (NSDistantObject)
(1, horse, 987654 even reaches the client)
nsconnection_client crashes when trying to send a struct

nsinvocation core dumps:
Calling proxy
Expect: 99, invoke: 99 forward: 99
Expect: 12345, invoke: 12345 forward: 12345
Expect: 123456, invoke: 123456 forward: 123456
Expect: 123456, invoke: 123456 forward: 123456
Expect: 123.456, invoke: 123.456 forward: 123.456
Expect: 123.456, invoke: 123.456 forward: 123.456
Expect: 10022610, invoke: 10022610 forward: 1003abd0
Expect: 'string', invoke: 'string' forward: 'string'
Expect: {11,22}, invoke: {11,22} forward: {11,22}
zsh: 262505 segmentation fault (core dumped)  obj/nsinvocation

nsprocessinfo has this surprising output (similar to darwin!):
2003-03-14 17:06:36.078 nsprocessinfo[262511] Unable to determine O/S ...
assuming GNU/Linux
Operating system: 100
Operating system name: irix6.5
Process Name: nsprocessinfo

nstask doesn't work:

English.lproj          fref.m                 nsscanner.m
GNUmakefile            gstcpport-client.m     nsset.m
LoadMe.bundle          gstcpport-server.m     nstask.m
LoadMe.h               heap.m                 nstimer.m
LoadMe.m               nsarchiver.dat         nstimezone.m
Makefile.postamble     nsarchiver.m           nxst.m
Makefile.preamble      nsarray.m              obj
MyCategory.h           nsattributedstring.m   oldserver.h
MyCategory.m           nsbundle.m             prepend.m
NSData-test.m          nscharacterset.m       randoms.m
SecondClass.h          nsconnection.m         release.m
SecondClass.m          nsconnection_client.m  server.h
awake.m                nsconnection_server.m  server.m
basic.m                nsdata.m               shared_obj
benchmark.m            nsdate.m               so_locations
call.m                 nsdictionary.m         string.m
client.m               nsfilehandle.m         tcpport-client.m
coder.m                nsfilemanager.m        tcpport-server.m
containers.m           nshashtable.m          thread-except.m
core                   nshost.m               thread.m
create-abbrevs.m       nsinvocation.m         values.m
create-regions.m       nsmaptable.m           wgetopt.h
diningPhilosophers.m   nsnotification.m
fref.dat               nsprocessinfo.m
zsh: 259720 segmentation fault (core dumped)  obj/nstask
87.70s @ 29% - 0.92s u 24.62s s: obj/nstask

greg works if you hardcode the path of libgreg.so into greg
To run the gnustep-tests-1.4.0, it was necessary to remove the following
tests, because they core dumped:
Can send/return large structs
launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments: works
launch works

The results of the tests are attached.

Tests on my linux box show no surprising results, is anybody interested in

Carl Eugen Hoyos

Attachment: mips-irix6.5.tests
Description: Text document

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