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Re: [semi-PATCH] menu title bar sizing & menu close button

From: Benhur Stein
Subject: Re: [semi-PATCH] menu title bar sizing & menu close button
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:23:27 -0300
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.0

Citando Fred Kiefer <FredKiefer@gmx.de>:

> Perhaps somebody with a MacOSX could check if the way I do understand 
> the documentation is correct. If not than only the two new methods on 
> NSControl (becomeFirstResponder and resignFirstResponder) and 
> thedrawInteriorWithFrame:inView: method on NSButtonCell and 
> NSPopupButtonCell must be adopted. Otherwise all the drawing of cells 
> will need reviewing.

I just made some tests in OPENSTEP 4.2.
It works in a way similar to GNUstep (or the ather way around),
NSMatrix calls setShowsFirstResponder: each time it draws a cell,
and if the cell is the key cell, it calls again with NO after
having drawn it.
I also made a subclass of cell call setShowsFirstResponder:YES before
calling super in drawWithFrame:, and all cells in the matrix appeared
with the dotted line. So, it seems that in OS4.2 setShowsFirstResponder:
is used to tell the cell to display the dotted line or not. The 
documentation is not clear, and it is possible that in MacOSX it
works differently.

I was thinking about removing all those calls and only put them in
a method to change the keyCell and in become/resignFirstResponder in
NSMatrix. Can anybody see any inconvenient for this?


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