>2009/2/10 Matt Rice
<ratmice@gmail.com>>sorry I really don't know anything about the windows backend,
>I had already typed in 'only works under x11' in my previous email
>before I decided to check if someone had implemented it since the last
>I checked, and sure enough it looks to be implemented.
>its in back/Source/win32/WIN32Server.
>m -glPixelFormatClass
>probably in libgnustep-back.a or something to that effect.
>the class name is Win32GLPixelFormat.
>the implementation of -glPixelFormatClass
>looks like this:
>#ifdef HAVE_WGL
> return [Win32GLPixelFormat class];
> return nil;
>so it is likely that when you ran configure it never found WGL for
>some reason, so thats the first place I would look, maybe send the
>config.log to the list.
When should I run configure ?
I wrote a GNUmakefile (for a small lib)
it seems that gnustep-core-0.22.0-setup.exe and gnustep-system-0.22.0-setup.exe do not install" GNUstep Backend" package.
I will try to compile it by my self so, or any other explanation ?
Last question: do you how to remove the "-0" suffix that appears in the .dll file name ? (include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/library.make)