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Re: cannot install...

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Re: cannot install...
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 14:22:53 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

On Tuesday 17 February 2009 02:06:31 pm David Ayers wrote:
> Am Montag, den 16.02.2009, 09:32 -0600 schrieb Ricardo 'Dino' Strausz:
> > Hola Adam y David,
> >
> > I went directly to NSGraphicsContext.m and comment some conditional
> > lines (where the _gcontext variable appear) and I was able to compile
> > all the way up to Gorm... however, macports is not finding GDL2
> > anywhere... could you please be so kind to point me to a site where I
> > can directly download it? (see log below)
> Indeed... it seems that the ftp site only contains 0.9.1 and not 0.10.1
> Are there still packages in incoming that I forgot to ask someone to
> move?
> > to be honest, this is very frustrating...
> I'm sorry but we are all doing this on our spare time.  I've tried often
> to make a new release of GDL2 but everytime new issues popped up which I
> wanted to fix first.  Also I don't have a Mac (i.e. OS X) and don't
> believe that Matt has one either.  So we are dependent on volunteers to
> keep GDL2 on OS X working.
> > I hope this process is finite; if so, I will try to make a .dmg with
> > a .mpkg of my configuration and put it in a public place... (can I?)
> It would be great if this can make the process for OS X users simpler.
> I think we could host it ftp.gnustep.org... Would you be willing to
> update it once I finally release 0.11.0?  (Note I can't give an ETA
> right now but I'm shooting for the end of the month).
> > Since I really do not know how GNUstep works, I decided to follow all
> > the 'default' dependencies of GDL2; but, as you are suggesting, GDL2
> > should work directly on top of Cocoa + gnustep-base... can you please
> > point me to detailed instructions on how to do this?
> I don't think we have one.  And since I don't have OS X I can't really
> develop one either.  But I think it should be something like
> install developer packages of gnustep prerequisites
> install developer packages of postresql (and/or SQLite)
> download/unpack gnustep-make
> cd make
> ./configure && make && sudo make install
> download/unpack gnustep-base
> cd make
> ./configure && make && sudo make install
> download/unpack renaissance
> make && sudo make install

I just compiled/installed gdl2 from svn on OpenBSD, and I had to 
download/unpack gorm
make && sudo make install

before I successfully could install the gdl2 library. I think the gorm palette 
needs to link against libGorm.

> download/unpack gdl2
> make && sudo make install

just my 2 cents.

> Cheers,
> David
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