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[bug #29291] The configure script doesn't play nice with non-flattened n

From: Niels Grewe
Subject: [bug #29291] The configure script doesn't play nice with non-flattened namespaces
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:29:26 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.3) KHTML/4.3.4 (like Gecko)

Follow-up Comment #8, bug #29291 (project gnustep):

Thanks! Now that I know where to look, I have devised a workaround myself
(diff attached). Of course this is not the correct fix because it uses
GNUSTEP_HOST_* variables. One probably would want a way to specify that stuff
based on the target gnustep-base is being configured for.



PS: This also made a weird problem go away where -base was claiming that the
runtime didn't support uncaught exception handlers.

(file #20073)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: configure.diff                 Size:0 KB


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