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[bug #33181] (WebServer 1.4.0) WebSerber`s -_audit: is called 3 times pe

From: T.Somequare
Subject: [bug #33181] (WebServer 1.4.0) WebSerber`s -_audit: is called 3 times per 1 request
Date: Thu, 05 May 2011 14:18:29 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_7; ja-jp) AppleWebKit/533.21.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.5 Safari/533.21.1

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #33181 (project gnustep):

> Only if we added new API for this (or broke all existing code using the
library) ..
All right. 

Currently the WebServerConnection class and WebServer`s -_audit method are
So the behavior could not be changed without parsing and replacing passed
string or modifying library. 

How about to split implementaion like below?

- -(NSString*)audit
+ -(id)audit
   NSDate *d;
   NSString *h;
   /* ... ( code set local variables is here) ... */
+   NSDictionary* info = [[NSDictionary
+    ,u,@"user", d , @"date", c, @"command", a, @"agent", r, @"result", nil];
+  id audit = [server provideAuditFor:info];
+  [info release];
+  return audit;
-   return [NSStringClass stringWithFormat: @"%@ - %@ [%@] %@ %@

+ -(id)provideAuditFor:(NSDictionary*)info
+ {
+    NSString* h = [info objectForKey:@"host"];
+    /* ... ( code to get other parts and put them into local vars) ... */
+    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@ [%@] %@ %@ %@",h,u,d,c,a,r];

This will give a chance to create custom message with writing a subclass of
WebServer and override the method +provideAuditFor: .
Although this is a bit expensive and complex way, considering additional
information (cookie, env, other headers, etc) would be supported in future.

This is just an opinion . Please show us if you have any better idea. 

Thanks anyway.


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