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Re: [PATCH 5/5 v2 gnumach] x86_64: add 64-bit syscall entry point

From: Luca Dariz
Subject: Re: [PATCH 5/5 v2 gnumach] x86_64: add 64-bit syscall entry point
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2023 08:55:38 +0100

Il 01/03/23 21:18, Samuel Thibault ha scritto:
Luca Dariz, le mer. 01 mars 2023 18:40:37 +0100, a ecrit:
+    asm volatile("wrmsr"
+                 :
+                 : "c" (regaddr), "a" (low), "d" (high)
+                 : "memory"  /* wrmsr is a serializing instruction */

The comment could be misleading.

The fact that it's a serialization instruction does not *require* to
express it to the compiler.

But the fact that wrmsr needs to be a serialization instruction (because
it may depend on other writes etc.) means that one *also* wants to make
the asm snippet serialized by the compiler thanks to the memory clobber.

So I'd rather see:

                  : "memory"  /* wrmsr usage needs serialization */

The comment comes directly from the intel doc about WRMSR:

The WRMSR instruction is a serializing instruction (see “Serializing Instructions” in Chapter 8 of the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 3A)

and in chapter 8, sec. 3:

The Intel 64 and IA-32 architectures define several serializing instructions. These instructions force the processor to complete all modifications to flags, registers, and memory by previous instructions and to drain all buffered writes to memory before the next instruction is fetched and executed.

so in my understanding the serialization is a side effect of the wrmsr instruction rather than a requirement, and we want to make sure the compiler is aware of this and the optimizers do not assume otherwise.

I'll try to make the comment more accurate.

+       /* avoid leaking information in callee-clobbered registers */
+       xorq    $0,%rdi
+       xorq    $0,%rsi
+       xorq    $0,%rdx
+       xorq    $0,%r10
+       xorq    $0,%r9
+       xorq    $0,%r8

No, that's a no-op :)

argh, silly mistake... Thanks for checking this!


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