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Re: Bug report: measure numbering after repeat with alternativeendings

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Bug report: measure numbering after repeat with alternativeendings
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 10:43:50 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070716)

This is another incarnation of Issue 355, which in my opinion is a clear bug.

However, I'm not equally certain that the bar numbering always is done the way Paul proposes and would have to look through my collection of scores to see what is the most common typesetting
Does anybody have authoritative information on how the bar numbering should be done with alternative


Bertalan Fodor wrote:
If I remember well it's already been discussed: it is not a bug but a matter of 
taste. I think most scores use this numbering, because this is the only way to 
refer to the 16th and 17th bar unambiguously. There must not be two 16th bars.

---- Original message ---- From: Graham Percival <address@hidden>
Sent: 25 Jun 2009 13:31 -07:00
To: Paul de Bruin <address@hidden>
Cc:  <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Bug report: measure numbering after repeat with alternativeendings

Please create a minimal example of this; turn on bar numbers on
every bar, and then it should be showable in 4-5 bars.

- Graham

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 07:37:33PM +0000, Paul de Bruin wrote:
I'm not top posting.
%% BUG in Measure Numbering:
%% after a \repeat ending in two \alternative measures, these two measures should bear the same number; %% however, Lilypond gives them subsequent numbers; the next section of the piece starts with a measure
%% number one too high.
%% Example, see line 50.

\version "2.10.10"

\paper{ ragged-right=##t }

%  JSB Sonata BWV1017
%  Sonata Cembalo+Violino
%  1 Siciliano

\header {
title = "SONATA IV"
subtitle = "BWV 1017"
composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"

#(set-global-staff-size 19)

SicilianoS = \relative c' { \key c \minor
  \time 6/8
  \clef treble

\repeat volta 2 { \stemUp
c16( es g c g es)   c( es g c g es)
c( f as c as f)     c( e g bes as g)
as( bes c f c as)   f( as c f c as)
f b d f d b         f as c f c as
g b d f d c         b d f as c, b
c es g c g es       c es g c g es
c f as c as f       d f g bes g es
c es f as g f       c es f as g f
bes, c d f es d     as' g f es d c
bes d f bes f d     es ges a c bes a
es f ges bes d, c   d f d bes f as

g bes es g es bes   g b d f d b
g b c es d c        d fis g a bes g
fis g a es d c      bes c d a' fis g
c, es fis a fis es  c es c a c fis
  \alternative {
  { g16 d b g b d   g4. }           % THIS is bar 16;
  { g16 d b g b d   g4. }           % THIS is the alternative bar 16!
  \repeat volta 2 {
g,16( b d g d b) g( b d f d b) % THIS BAR should be numbered 17; however, it is 18!
g b c es c b        c es g c g f
g bes! g e des c    bes c e g f e
c e f as f c \stemUp f, g as c as f
des f bes des c bes
  \stemDown         a c es ges f es
f a bes as ges f    es ges f es des c

des c bes a bes e   f g as f c e
f as c as f e       f as f c as g
f g as d as g
  \stemDown         as bes c es d c
bes c d f d c       d es f as g f
g f es d c es       as g f es d c
g b d f d b         g b d g d b
g b c es d c        g' f es d c b
c e f as g f        c' g es g c, es
as c, f as f d      b d f d b g
es' c bes! as g f   es as g f es d
c f as c as f       d f g bes g es
f as des f des b    g as' g f es d
c b a g f d'        es, d es c' d, b'

SicilianoB =  \relative c {
  \key c \minor
  \time 6/8
  \clef bass

\repeat volta 2 { \stemDown
c8( es g)    bes,( es g)
as,( c f)    g,( bes e)
f,( as c)    es,( as c)
d, f as      c, f as
b f' as      g, d' g
c, es g      bes, es g
as, c f      g, bes es
f as c       es, as c
d, f as      es f g
as, d f      a, c es
bes es f     bes, d as'
es g bes     d, g b
c, es g      bes,! d g
a, c es      g, bes es
fis, a c     d, a' d
  \alternative {
  { g,4.~ g16 b d f d b }
  { g2. }

  \repeat volta 2 {
g8 b d \stemDown g b d
c es g       g, c es
e, g bes     c, g' c
f,, as c     as c f
bes, f' bes  c, es a
des, f bes   c, es as
bes, des g   c, f c'
f,, as c     as c f
bes, d bes'  c, es as
d, f as      bes, d bes'
es, g c      f, as d

bug-lilypond mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden
        WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

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