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Re: Issue 1555 in lilypond: Multiple warnings concerning staff-affinitie

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1555 in lilypond: Multiple warnings concerning staff-affinities
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 12:07:18 +0000

Comment #2 on issue 1555 by percival.music.ca: Multiple warnings concerning staff-affinities

There's two separate issues here.
1) some warnings are printed.  I don't consider this a Critical issue.
2) there's a collision.  I *do* consider this to be a Critical issue.

For some reason, a Tiny example with (as far as I can see) perfectly good style and no tweaks, produces a collision in 2.13.53 where previously it did not.

Do we need to update the default staff-spacing for the Freboard grob? Does this point to a bug in the vertical skyline? Does this point to a bug in that the vertical skyline is not taken into account when placing items before the beginning of the first bar? I have no clue, but /something/ seems weird here.

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