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Re: Issue 163 in lilypond: huge (ugly) slur (both phrasing and normal)

From: Dmytro O. Redchuk
Subject: Re: Issue 163 in lilypond: huge (ugly) slur (both phrasing and normal)
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 14:47:11 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Wed 22 Jun 2011, 11:53 Graham Percival wrote:
> ok, how about this?  Your script should:
>   echo "\header { tagline = ##f } " > /tmp/lilypond-no-header.ly
. o O ( \\header, of course )

>   lilypond -dinclude-settings=/tmp/lilypond-no-header.ly --png bug.ly
>   convert bug.png -trim bug-upload.png
> something like that.  Could you test it, then we can have a set
> script for bug squad members (on linux and osx at least) to
> produce great pngs for the tracker?

I would start with this:


ly=${1:?Usage: $0 test[.ly]}

# strip extension, if any:

# process test file:
echo "\\header { tagline = ##f }" | lilypond -dinclude-settings=- --png $ly

# trim PNG:
convert ${lynoext}.png -trim ${lynoext}-trim.png

# do we want to overwrite "original" PNG?
# mv ${lynoext}-trim.png ${lynoext}.png

Do we need more options? For trimming "in place" or something else?

> Cheers,
> - Graham

On Wed 22 Jun 2011, 13:17 David Kastrup wrote:
> lilypond -dinclude-settings=<(echo "\header { tagline = ##f }") --png bug.ly
I does not work here; i don't know why.

  Dmytro O. Redchuk
  Bug Squad

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