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Re: bug in parted 1.4.21?

From: Andrew Clausen
Subject: Re: bug in parted 1.4.21?
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 08:56:50 +1100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Hi Thijs,

> The version is 1.4.21 and the request was made to include the following
> message:
> "Block 200425 has no reference? Weird"

This seems to be occuring a lot, but I have no idea why.

How did you create this file system?  Can you send the outpu of

        dumpe2fs /dev/XXX | gzip

To the list?
> That's it. Weird indeed. Hope you know what to do with such a terse
> message.

Well, an essay describing how ext2 and the resizer works would
have been inappropriate... hehe  If you understand either, then
this message makes a lot of sense IMHO.


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