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Re: Paragraph indentation suppression

From: Stepan Kasal
Subject: Re: Paragraph indentation suppression
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 16:04:21 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/


On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 09:35:31AM -0400, Simon Law wrote:
> 1. Preserve \everypar
> 2. Save \parindent and set it to 0pt
> 3. Redefine \everypar such that it:
>    a) Redefines \everypar again such that it:
>       i)   Restores \parindent
>       ii)  Restores \everypar
>       iii) Runs \everypar
>    b) Runs the preserved \everypar

if I understand it correctly, then you use two levels to handle
the title first, then the first paragraph of the text.

I would try the following approach instead:


If we hook to \secyyy (or \seczzz, or whatever), instead of the
original \numberedsec, we could redefine \everypar _after_ the
section title has been printed, so we can use only one level of
\everypar redefining instead of two.

I'm sorry I don't have time to try it.  So I'm not absolutely
sure whether this approach works and whether it'll give more
elegant result then your one.

I'll be very glad if you try this and tell me what happened.

Happy hacking,
        Stepan Kasal

if the above was not possible, we could try this:
1. Preserve \par
2. Redefine \par, so that it:
        a) restores \par
        b) preserves \everypar
        c) redefines \everypar so that it:
                i)   does \kern-\parskip
                ii)  restores \everypar
                iii) runs \everypar

The idea is that we can be sure that first \par appears just after
the section title.  That \par can perform one-level \everypar trick.

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