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Re: texi2dvi and lualatex

From: Wybo
Subject: Re: texi2dvi and lualatex
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 22:57:37 +0200
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PS. Sorry - I should have removed the \setmainfont statement for you to be able to compile my main.tex; it can safely be removed.

On 2014-07-08 22:20, Wybo wrote:
Dear Karl,

I have been trying to use texi2dvi (GNU Texinfo 5.2) 5649 for compilation with
lualatex, without success.
The attached main.tex + example.bib compile fine with

    LATEX='xelatex' texi2dvi --debug -V main.tex >& xelatex.debug

It shows the TOC, the bibliography and the index.
But when I use:

    LATEX='lualatex' texi2dvi --debug -V main.tex >& lualatex.debug

then the TOC, the bibliography, and the index are all absent. Still, I /can/
correctly compile with:

    lualatex main
    bibtex main
    makeindex main
    lualatex main
    lualatex main

I spent several hours to find the problem, but failed.
Hoping you can find out what's wrong,


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